Investigative Reporting and Features

I started out my reporting career writing about nice and fun stories (see travel & adventure) but soon discovered there were wrongs needed to be righted (and written). Over the years I’ve written many exposes — which didn’t please everyone, but once in a while served justice. Maybe one day all my exploits will go into a detective novel series.

Yeshiva Tax Fraud Shakes Up LA, Brooklyn, Israel

They’d write a check to the Spinka Hassidic rebbe in Boro Park, he’d give them a tax-deductible receipt, then refund most of the money. One federal informant brought them down.  Read article.

Cult in Costa Rica

I took a vacation in an eco-resort in Costa Rica, only to discover that the two dozen Israelis running the place had fled from Tel Aviv because they were considered a cult. They were ascetic, food- and sleep-deprived, following verbally abusive leaders. View PDF (in Hebrew).

Patricide Killer Spared Death Penalty

A man who confessed to the gruesome murder of his parents last year has been spared the death penalty thanks to his relatives’ intervention. Read PDF.

The Poisoning of Beverly Hills High

Do the oil wells at the famous high schools cause disease? 10,000 litigants thought so. Read article

Not A Spy but Fired Anyway

David Tenenbaum was cleared of being a spy for Israel but the Pentagon fired him anyway. Now he’s fighting back. Read PDF.

She Married an Arab, Then Was Murdered

Sima Mizyed tried to leave her Arab husband. But the day the restraining order against him finished, she went missing. Read PDF.

Why Pardon Marc Rich?

When Clinton pardoned the $48 million tax-evader, all hell broke loose in Washington. Read PDF.

Rabbi Resigns 20 Years After Accused of Inappropriate Conduct

The Catholic Church isn’t the only religious institution that hides its abusers. Follow the story of Rabbi Aron Tendler, whose actions finally caught up with him. Read Article.

Hebron’s Big Cheese

For Palestinians, it’s not easy to run a successful company in the hectic Hebron, a city under dispute between Israelis and Arabs. Read PDF.