Imagine if you had a best friend you could call for advice on Trying to get pregnant, from helping you find a fertility doctor, to helping you deal with nosy nellies asking, So, when are you going to have a BABY already?; someone who could advise you how to get through life/work/relationships while hopped up on hormones without losing your mind. Well, now you do.
New York Times “Fertility Diary” columnist Amy Klein, who finally became a mother (after nine rounds of IVF, four miscarriages, three acupuncturists, two rabbis and one reproductive immunologist), has written the book she wishes she’d had when she was Trying. With advice from medical experts and patients, you’ll find information on:
- whether to freeze your eggs
- what to expect during your first IVF cycle
- baby envy—and why it’s fine to skip your friend’s baby shower
- whether the alternative route—acupuncture, herbs, supplements—is for you
- when it’s time to move on (to another doctor, clinic, treatment, donor or adoption).
With heart and humor, The Trying Game: Get Through Fertility Treatment and Get Pregnant Without Losing Your Mind will show you what to expect when you’re not expecting.
Contact Amy Klein
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kleinslines
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amydklein