Fertility Writing
The New York Times: Does the ERA work for IVF?
Insider: Male Infertility is Common but sill Taboo
Aeon: Why do women know so little about their own fertility?
NBC News: We Need to Talk About Miscarriage
Tablet: Can You Make IVF Kosher?
Newsweek: Twins: The Fetal Paradox
LA Review of Books: Why Are Women So Mean to Infertile Women?
NYPOST: Coronavirus Tales: We had to put our surrogacy plans on hold
Hadassah Magazine: Are You My Surrogate?
The Jewish Week: Yes, Now Is the Time for Infertility Awareness Shabbat
NBC Think: Fertility rates are dropping except among older women. And being a 40-year-old mom rocks.
Business Insider: I had PTSD after 4 miscarriages, and doctors told me to just try again – Insider
The Forward: Jewish Egg Agencies Serve Aspiring Parents