Listen & Watch
Hadassah Magazine: What Not To Say About Baby-Making
NPR Morning Edition: Hanukkah is in the Holiday Season, Too
Sometimes nostalgia hits for that other, lesser holiday. Listen
The OB/GYN Podcast: The Patient’s Side of Fertility Treatments
Here I teach OB/GYNs about infertility. Listen
The Moth: The Matchmaking Rabbi
Amy Klein finally finds a husband after paying a man in Israel to lift a curse from her by Chanukah. Watch
Yum’s the Word: Pregnancy Storytelling
Author of the New York Times’ Motherlode blog, Amy Klein, talks about her difficult journey towards motherhood. Watch
The Moth Story Slam: Love Hurts
Why would someone on J-date want to be my sex slave? What will I have to do in exchange? Does this nice Jewish girl have The Nerve to go through with it? Watch
Beat Infertility: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Amy’s Story [SUCCESS]
During the first 6 months of trying to conceive, she became pregnant spontaneously twice. Unfortunately, both ended in miscarriages. Listen

Between the Pages: The Trying Game
Jen spoke with the author of “The Trying Game” Amy Klein to discuss her new book and her advice to couples trying to grow their families. Listen
Infertility Awareness Week: Author Amy Klein shares her heartfelt journey to have a baby
Author and columnist, Amy Klein, details her struggles to try to get pregnant in her successful New York Times “Fertility Diary” column. Listen